Friday, October 31, 2014

The Bloks Forum Halloween Contest 2014 Entry #2: "Last Man Standing"

"Last Man Standing"

Here is my second entry for The Bloks Forum Halloween Contest. This one is "Last Man Standing". What killed all of these Spartans? Read on to find out! 

A rainbow...of death!
This is my second entry, "Last Man Standing". A UNSC ship full of Spartans crash lands in the forest. But the crash isn't what killed them...

Well that's not good...
Zombies. Zombies killed them.

Ooooh! Spooooky!

Glow in the dark zombies. Those are the worst kind!

And so The Last Man Standing was killed. Obviously. Duh.


P.S. Okay, so I was going to take a lot more pictures for this one than I ended up with in the end (like each individual death for all 16 players), but I'm sleepy and have to go to work tomorrow. Besides, I was already planning on doing a stop motion of a 16 player infection game at some point anyway. So be on the look out for that.



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