Wednesday, July 30, 2014

First Review Finished

I finished working on my first review today, WOO-HOO!
PSYCH! The video review is done, but I'm refraining from uploading it to YouTube at the moment. Despite having just clicked a button that says "read more", continue reading if you would like to know more about my reviewing background.

The review was on Power Miners set #8956, Stone Chopper.

For the record, this isn't my first video review ever. This is my first video review for The Brick Zone.

To those who don't know (I'd imagine most of you), I used to have two old YouTube channels: the first one was legoassassin, and the second one was legoassassinV2. There was a short period of time in which I did video reviews on the legoassassinV2 channel. This was when there weren't really any big LEGO reviewers out there yet, at least not on YouTube. Now that I think about it, I probably had the potential to become super cool and famous if I'd just went with it...

Instead, I ended up deleting all of the reviews because I was too insecure about my voice at the time.
I've searched high and low for the original files, but it seems younger me got rid of those too.

I guess he wanted to burn the evidence so no one would ever see them again.

...Such a shame. Future him (me) really wants to watch them.
It's always fun to look back on things, whatever it is.

There were only about six to seven videos, eight at most. I only reviewed the first wave of LEGO Power Miners sets, which brings me to today.

For The Brick Zone, I wanted to start with the Power Miners sets first, in honor of those lost videos.

I'm holding off on actually uploading the video until I have enough surplus reviews lying around so that if I do somehow manage to gain an audience, people aren't clamoring (complaining) for more.

So for now, I'm holding the video review hostage.

I have a separate written review in Word, along with some photos.

If anyone starts reading or following this blog, maybe I'll post the written one. Just post a comment asking for it, and it shall be done. Possibly.

The video review itself is super long for such a small set. I drag on and on and would probably bore most people. I'm considering doing two reviews for each set: one that is super long and full of descriptive, unnecessary details while the other one would be shorter and basically me talking to the camera on the spot like I used to do with the old video reviews.

Maybe if people gave me some feedback, they could let me know which they prefer.

That's all for now, folks. Stay tuned.


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