Thursday, July 24, 2014


Hello, everyone!

Greetings from the past. I don't think there's anyone visiting the blog right now, but hopefully by the time someone reads this post in the future, I'll have gained some sort of a following.

At least, that's what I'm hoping.

Anyway, I thought I'd type up a little update regarding the progress of "The Brick Zone".

Progress is slow.

I think I first created the blog towards the end of the spring semester during my freshman year at Rutgers. Even after classes were all done, I never really got around to posting anything else past the "welcome" post.
I still have yet to make the actual channel.

My sluggish pace is most likely due to the fact that it's summer. I've instead been spending time with my lovely girlfriend almost every day while she's been back home.

Despite not having the channel up yet, I have been making some progress worth mentioning. I picked the fonts and colors for the blog to name a few things. Really tough stuff.

I think I'll put up some individual posts about the rest of my progress so the blog doesn't look so dead.


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