Friday, August 29, 2014

Be Right Back

See what I did there?
I will be away for a couple days over the weekend. In the meantime, I have flooded the channel with new videos for your viewing pleasure, reader and or viewer.

It should tide you over until I return.

Don't wait up.


Mega Bloks Halo 97433 Alpha Spartan Series First Build and Initial Response

Piles of spartan...
I talk too much for my own good sometimes.

It also could just be that I overuse "um", "yeah", and "like".

If anyone prefers when I read off of pre-written scripts, speak up.



Mega Bloks Halo 97433 Alpha Series Review

These new figures are sweet! (and by sweet I mean tasty)
Mega Bloks Halo Alpha Series!!!

I ask viewers to guess what figures I get, yet I make the thumbnail picture a group shot of all of them.
I'm pretty bad at surprises. Better luck next time maybe. Anyway,



The Brick Zone Trailer 1

I made a trailer for The Brick Zone YouTube channel today.

If The Brick Zone were a TV show though, this would be the opening.

This will probably be the first of many openings. I'll update things over time. 

The Brick Zone is totally not the same as The Twilight Zone. We are two completely different Zones. but seriously, nod of acknowledgment to The Twilight Zone.

Enjoy the trailer!


Mega Bloks Halo Rapid Attack Covenant Ghost 97213 Time Lapse

Wow, the time on this video is 1:16. I was just one second away from 1:17!


Watch it. 

I think time lapse videos can be pretty boring compared to reviews, but they sure are easy to make.

I recorded a longer video after this one last night, but it's 3AM now, so maybe I'll finish/upload it later.

For the record, this is my first Mega Bloks time lapse and the first time lapse recorded on my regular camera.

Bye for now!


Mega Bloks Halo Series 9 Spartans 96978 Review

It's almost 3AM. I recorded this footage hours ago, but I'm uploading the video now because I was busy Skyping SOMEONE.

: )


I ramble a lot in this one. Be warned.

Oh. Also, I will be away for the next two days. 

The Brick Zone will return sometime on Sunday.

Don't freak out while I'm away. It'll be okay.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

76000 Arctic Batman vs. Mr. Freeze: Aquaman on Ice Time Lapse

Mmm, White Chocolate.


Work was being pretty annoying tonight. In other news, I've been watching Batman Beyond. Great show; makes me want to go back and watch The Animated Series all over again. Anyway, it was late and I was in the mood for some Batman, so I whipped up this short time lapse video.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Mega Bloks Halo 99693 SDCC 2013 Exclusive Review

This is the last of the reviews I made while my laptop was dead.

I know I said there would be a flood of new videos when my laptop was back and running, so I'll apologize's not really a flood of new videos. More like a puddle. Or a water gun squirt's worth.

Upon rewatching it during editing, I saw that my fingers get in the shot quite a lot. Sorry about that, too. Here's to going that extra mil.

(That's from a t-shirt of a quote from a show. Can anyone in the audience guess where it's from?)

Watch it here!

There's this last-level-of-Halo-4-esque music playing in the background that makes this little video sound way more intense than it actually is. I thought that was kind of funny.

Not that funny, though.

Stay tuned for more!


LEGO Power Miners 8958 Granite Grinder Review

Power Miners Set Numero Trois

This is the third Power Miners set, the Granite Grinder. I know when I originally made those reviews, I reviewed all of the Power Miners sets one after the other, but this time around I've decided to spread them out.

I doubt it'll bother anyone.

Speak up if you demand I do the rest at once.

LEGO Harry Potter 30111 The Lab Review


Bet none of you were expecting a Harry Potter review.

While my laptop was dead, I really only got around to making a couple of reviews. This is one of them. I made it super early in the morning, so if I sound kind of nasally or sick, oh well.

I have tons of old Harry Potter sets from the early 2000s, but this more recent one is one of the few still intact. That's what you get for playing with Lego when you're little.



Sunday, August 24, 2014

Update 3

Good News, Everyone! 

My laptop is operational again! I'm still in the process of setting everything up, but expect new videos and posts on a somewhat-regular basis. Basically whenever I feel like it.

So celebrate, rejoice! Spread the word to everyone in the world:

The Brick Zone has returned. 

I know everyone can finally sleep easy tonight, knowing that there is new content from The Brick Zone to look forward to.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Update 2

Hello, everyone!

The new drive has been ordered and should arrive within the week. I'll most likely post reviews this weekend or early next week. Just wanted to post to show that I'm still alive and updating. I've been getting more hours at work and school starts in September soon though, but as always in my spare time I will be working on new reviews as well as other videos.

Thanks for checking back!


UPDATE: New drive arrived Monday, August 18th. To those still following the blog, my apologies for taking so long and annoying you all with these updates. It shouldn't be much longer...I hope.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Hello everyone!

My laptop drive is dead. 

While I am in the process of recovering/backing up files and getting a new drive, I will try to film as many reviews as I can fit on my 32GB SD card.

When I get my laptop working again, I'll edit all of the footage and upload the full reviews.

Expect a flood of reviews when that time comes.

The Brick Zone will return.


UPDATE: I have successfully recovered all of my files. The only thing left to do is get a new drive and transfer everything back. At the moment, I'm still just filming reviews. In total, there are three new ones I'll upload once my laptop is back in running order. That'll probably end up happening sometime this weekend hopefully. I'm posting this from a desktop PC which I could technically use to work on editing the reviews I've completed, but the computer has no sound so that would be a pain. For now, I'll continue to film more reviews in my spare time in-between work hours.

 Stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Technical difficulties

Tired. Work. Socializing. Laptop is being difficult.

I still managed to make a review for the Mega Bloks Halo set Covenant Drop Pod: Elite General.

Watch it here!

I will update this post with the written version whenever I manage to fix my laptop.

UPDATE: Yup, there's something wrong with my laptop. I'm unable to boot it up. For now, you will all have to make due with reading these posts posted from my phone. Meanwhile, I will probably be using another computer temporarily in order to upload more reviews. My apologies for this unexpected delay.

Could this be the end of The Brick Zone?...Nah! But tune in to find out anyway.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

More awesome sales...AND a new blog!

I got some more Mega Bloks Halo sets on sale after work on Monday.

Oh yeah, and right before work, I created a new blog. I decided to call it The Halo Continuum. What a great name, right?!

Read on to find out more about the new blog and how it will coincide with The Brick Zone!...unless you don't care about Halo. In which case, ignore this. You could probably stop visiting altogether, since half of my reviews will probably end up being Halo related anyway. Anyway, read on!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Awesome Sales

More Halo Mega Bloks, anyone?
Good morning, everyone! Don't you just love it when obscure songs only you know play on the radio? Those times are cool. Anyway, I got all of these sets on clearance for a little over $20!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

LEGO Power Miners 8957 Mine Mech Review

Want more video reviews? Of course you do. Here is the review for Lego Power Miners set #8957 Mine Mech.

Watch the review here!

Or if you prefer reading, read on.

Halo Mega Bloks 96947 Covenant Weapons Pack Crimson Combat Elite

I'm back with another Halo Mega Bloks review, this time with set #96947 Covenant Weapons Pack (Crimson Combat Elite).

Watch it here!

Read on for the written out review.

Halo Mega Bloks 96946 UNSC Weapons Pack Silver CQB Review

This is Halo Mega Bloks 96946 UNSC Weapons Pack (Silver CQB).

Or, if you prefer reading...

Early Morning Reviews

Good morning, everyone! I'm up early today to review some Halo Mega Bloks sets!

LEGO The Lone Ranger 79108 Stagecoach Escape Time Lapse Video

Howdy, y'all. I was pretty exhausted after work today, so I just relaxed with my lovely girlfriend. I don't have work tomorrow though, so more reviews are definitely coming your way. For now, here is a time lapse video for LEGO The Lone Ranger #79108 Stagecoach Escape!

Watch it here!



Saturday, August 2, 2014

LEGO Power Miners 8956 Stone Chopper Informal Review

Here's another review of Power Miners set #8956 Stone Chopper, with more "um"s and "uh"s. It's my attempt at being casual. My original intention was to make the review shorter, yet I somehow managed to ramble on for two extra minutes. Anyway, enjoy.

Watch it here!


LEGO Power Miners 8956 Stone Chopper Formal Review

No one asked for it, but I was growing impatient and giddy with excitement. The formal review for LEGO Power Miners set #8956 has now been uploaded to YouTube.

Watch it here!

If you can't understand me or just think my voice is awful, no problem! Instead, you can read my review after the jump. There are pictures!