Saturday, August 9, 2014


Hello everyone!

My laptop drive is dead. 

While I am in the process of recovering/backing up files and getting a new drive, I will try to film as many reviews as I can fit on my 32GB SD card.

When I get my laptop working again, I'll edit all of the footage and upload the full reviews.

Expect a flood of reviews when that time comes.

The Brick Zone will return.


UPDATE: I have successfully recovered all of my files. The only thing left to do is get a new drive and transfer everything back. At the moment, I'm still just filming reviews. In total, there are three new ones I'll upload once my laptop is back in running order. That'll probably end up happening sometime this weekend hopefully. I'm posting this from a desktop PC which I could technically use to work on editing the reviews I've completed, but the computer has no sound so that would be a pain. For now, I'll continue to film more reviews in my spare time in-between work hours.

 Stay tuned.

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