Monday, August 4, 2014

Awesome Sales

More Halo Mega Bloks, anyone?
Good morning, everyone! Don't you just love it when obscure songs only you know play on the radio? Those times are cool. Anyway, I got all of these sets on clearance for a little over $20!

I absolutely can't wait to work on this build & combine Booster!
(as seen on Halo Legends episode The Package) 
If I haven't already mentioned this before, patience is key! When you wait long enough, certain sets eventually do go on sale. And even after those sets go on sale, sometimes if you wait even longer the sale price goes even lower! You just have to play the waiting game for the best deals. 

Sometimes if you wait too long though, someone else might snatch up that deal. Like this one time, I saw the Cauldron Clash set sit on a Toys R Us shelf until it was down to a mere $6-$12 from the original $50+ price tag. I waited too long and by the time I came back, someone had already gotten to it. DON"T MISS OUT! 

Of course, by the time the wait is over, not as many people care about these sets since they're no longer the current thing everyone's excited over. It's the same way with video games or phones, like how people always want the latest and greatest.
Well, I still care. When all of my friends moved on to the next COD game, I stayed on Reach and Halo 3. 

Honestly, I just love Halo.

More Mega Bloks Halo reviews to come! Stay tuned.


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