Sunday, August 3, 2014

Halo Mega Bloks 96946 UNSC Weapons Pack Silver CQB Review

This is Halo Mega Bloks 96946 UNSC Weapons Pack (Silver CQB).

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I got the set on sale for $2.50! 
This is Halo Mega Bloks 96946 UNSC Weapons Pack Silver CQB. It came with 29 pieces and was released in 2011. 

This spartan looks like he just came back from a firefight!
The set comes with a silver CQB Spartan. The paintjob on this figure is excellent. A wash has been applied to make the armor look dirty, almost battle damaged, as if this Spartan has seen plenty of combat.
Note the larger old-style shotgun mold.
Weapons & Equipment include a shotgun, assault rifle, pistol and one trip mine, as seen in Halo 3.

All of these weapons are painted with great detail. This makes them look authentic to the games.

Gotta' love those sandbags. 
A small weapons rack is included, along with some sandbags. Two weapons can be attached to the rack. The CQB Spartan could try using the whole thing as cover, but with all the gaps and how low to the ground it is, it’s probably primarily used to hold weapons.

Ready to head shot some grunts!
I think this is a neat little set. You get weapons with highly detailed paint applications, a useful weapons rack to hold them, and a great looking CQB Spartan.


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